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Building Resilience Through Stressful Times

May 5th, 2021

The ebb and flow of stressful times are a very normal part of everyday life. It is now likely one of the most stressful times any one of us has experienced in our own lifetimes and it may, at times, feel like we’re being worn down.

 But as my father always says, “This too shall pass”.

That never really did come as much comfort, but he’s right. At some point the Covid-19 lockdown and isolation will be a thing of the past and we WILL return to some normality.

 Until then, what are some ways to build resilience through these times to keep from succumbing to the stress?

1. Self-Care

This can mean different things to different people.  Self-care means putting yourself as a priority; first. This may sound selfish, but you can’t support others if you are drained. One can’t pour from an empty cup. This may include rest or activity, silence or noise, social or alone time. The important things is figuring out what you need and doing it.

2. Be Proactive

Being proactive can keep you positive and productive and helps combat “cabin fever” (feeling crazy while stuck at home). Great ways to keep proactive is making time in your day to have a light workout, go for a walk or even plan healthy meals. These things help you focus and feel good about yourself. It’s also a great idea to make a daily schedule to keep to these goals and keep you moving forward and accomplished while at home. Our Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Naturopaths are all online via “Telehealth” through Jane App and can help you move in a proactive direction at home!

Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction!

3. Stay Social!

It’s important during these times to remember that we’re not alone and stay connected. Too easy can we fall into a state of emotional and mental isolation. Remember, everyone in the world is going through the same thing, which is definitely comforting.

There are many apps and websites that can help you stay connected to your friends and family while at home!

  • “Facetime” your family
  • “Zoom” your colleagues or
  • “Houseparty” with your friends!

 The best part is, you don’t have to change out of your comfy clothes!

4. Be aware of your emotions

It’s very easy to let the heaviness of the world and our own situations weigh on us and affect our emotions negatively. Acknowledging the feeling that you’re having is the first step in managing it. It’s OK to feel it! Sometimes it helps to write about it, or take deep breaths. The best way to get out of an emotional funk is humour. Read a funny article, watch a comedy or listen to a comedic podcast online.

Laughter produces endorphins in your system (the “feel-good” hormone) so the more you laugh, the better you’ll feel!

By: Adryon Hutton RMT; Health Services Manager